About the Texture Pack:

Borderlands Site
Borderlands 2
Minecraft Site

This is a blog to document the progress on a Minecraft texture pack I'm making in the style of Gearbox Software's Borderlands.

I plan on iterating on these textures so feedback is very much appreciated. Let me know what you think through comments and/or email. Thanks!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Major fixes for version 1.5!

Hey everybod-eh!

A few major visual bugs were brought up to me for the latest version so the Easter Bunny brought in an update! Here ya go!

Version 1.51:

[128x128] http://www.mediafire.com/file/id81dybsxl9xyxb/Bordercraft_1.51.zip
[64x64] http://www.mediafire.com/file/151f45n74vusvdc/Bordercraft64_1.51.zip

These are HD textures so you'll need to use the texture fix found here:

Bordercraft Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1021&t=144854

Change log:
-Fixed grass for fast graphics
-Torch adjustments to get rid of stray pixel
-Redstone fix for 1.5
-Sapling placement fixed
-Pine bark adjustments

-Fixed tiling issues with some environment textures
-Moved the grass around
-Added new rail textures
-And the new saplings
-And your mom!

-Weather textures (not implemented in the game code as of this post)

-Beta 1.3 items!
-Some stray pixel bugs
-Watch works! (64 version is still a bit wonky)

-Added GUI and items
-Adjusted crack animation
-Fixed textures with overlap or bleeding

-New lava texture
-Sign texture adjusted so text is legible
-Water and Ice color adjusted
-Removed some noise off of Glass
-Rails tile now
-Rest of the particles completed and properly placed (Note particle and fishing bobber added)
-Wild Grass Mod compatible
-Refined wood and door match more closely
-Grass texture adjusted

-Added new Beta 1.2 items

-First Release

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bordercraft! Version 1.5 (woo)

Hello hello!

Newest update here! Download it! You'll also need the newest patcher so it won't crash. It can be found at the link below the pack links. Enjoy! Have a great weekend, everyone! :D

Version 1.5:

[128x128] http://www.mediafire.com/file/ms85p6k6a4mneuc/Bordercraft_1.5.zip
[64x64] http://www.mediafire.com/file/7v228k7sr89m31r/Bordercraft64_1.5.zip

These are HD textures so you'll need to use the texture fix found here:

Bordercraft Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1021&t=144854

Change log:
-Fixed tiling issues with some environment textures
-Moved the grass around
-Added new rail textures
-And the new saplings
-And your mom!

-Weather textures (not implemented in the game code as of this post)

-Beta 1.3 items!
-Some stray pixel bugs
-Watch works! (64 version is still a bit wonky)

-Added GUI and items
-Adjusted crack animation
-Fixed textures with overlap or bleeding

-New lava texture
-Sign texture adjusted so text is legible
-Water and Ice color adjusted
-Removed some noise off of Glass
-Rails tile now
-Rest of the particles completed and properly placed (Note particle and fishing bobber added)
-Wild Grass Mod compatible
-Refined wood and door match more closely
-Grass texture adjusted

-Added new Beta 1.2 items

-First Release

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bordercraft! Version 1.4 (Beta 1.4!!!)

Oh hai, Mark.

It's been a while everyone! I've been a bit busy with life and all that fun stuff so I apologize for the delay on this update. Bordercraft has a texture for wolves and cookies now!

As I understand it, version 1.5 of Minecraft will be out this week. Good news is, this version SHOULD be compatible. I've already done the weather textures so everything should be good to go in that regard. If there are any problems. I will do another update right after.

The next update should be a lot sooner than this one. Thanks for your patience!

Version 1.4:

[128x128] http://www.mediafire.com/file/kwo4c4c64c68elu/Bordercraft_1.4.zip
[64x64] http://www.mediafire.com/file/d8gi2flipbaq9qu/Bordercraft64_1.4.zip

These are HD textures so you'll need to use the texture fix found here:

Bordercraft Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1021&t=144854

Change log:
-Weather textures (not implemented in the game code as of this post)

-Beta 1.3 items!
-Some stray pixel bugs
-Watch works! (64 version is still a bit wonky)

-Added GUI and items
-Adjusted crack animation
-Fixed textures with overlap or bleeding

-New lava texture
-Sign texture adjusted so text is legible
-Water and Ice color adjusted
-Removed some noise off of Glass
-Rails tile now
-Rest of the particles completed and properly placed (Note particle and fishing bobber added)
-Wild Grass Mod compatible
-Refined wood and door match more closely
-Grass texture adjusted

-Added new Beta 1.2 items

-First Release