About the Texture Pack:

Borderlands Site
Borderlands 2
Minecraft Site

This is a blog to document the progress on a Minecraft texture pack I'm making in the style of Gearbox Software's Borderlands.

I plan on iterating on these textures so feedback is very much appreciated. Let me know what you think through comments and/or email. Thanks!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bordercraft Community Continuation

Hello, all!

It's been a while since I posted, but I wanted to inform you of what is going on! I've spoken with a few people and there has been some interest in the community continuing Bordercraft. I thought that it would be a wonderful thing if the pack could be continued and I think this is the best solution.

If you'd be interested in contributing, please go here and comment:


Anyone contributing would be credited, of course. And you don't have any specific obligation to do a certain amount. You can do however much that you'd like! If enough people voice their interest, I'll release the source files for people to use.

Thank you everyone for following this thing. It's been a blast! I hope to bring you guys new things to enjoy in the future!

Hope everyone had a good winter!



  1. Need to fix your link there, lots of lovely dots and not much URI! :x

  2. Yeah!! Perfect ;)

  3. Kinda thought things might go this way. While it's a teensy bit disheartening to know that you won't be working on it yourself, I appreciate the fact that you might not have as much time to work on it. Thank you for letting the community continue it ^_^ and thank you for all the hard work and effort. It's my favorite texture pack ever and hopefully it will continue to be.

    Best of luck and good health and good fortune to you and yours!
